Monday, September 20, 2010

Welcome Noah!

Our 3rd grandchild arrived Thurs. night at 10:36pm.
Noah weighed in at 9 lbs and 4 oz and 21.5 inches long.
He's almost a toddler! Since he's number 3 we've been calling him "Dale" as in
Earnhart. This nick name provided a nice bonus since the "other"
side of the family think's it's "stupid Redneck crap" and was bothered enough
to say so on FB...LOVE IT!!!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Views From Sophie's Garden

Sophie's garden is coming along nicely. She was so excited to see the first caterpillar. He'll be a Gulf Fritillary some day! We've got butterflies, but I haven't gotten any good pics yet. I did finally get a shot of the woodpecker that has been trying to peck a hole in our house for 10 years!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Sophie's Garden

We spent last Saturday planting a Butterfly Garden for Sophia. She asked for the garden, but didn't realize that grandma would expect her to get in the dirt and help. I think she intended to supervise while we worked...NOT! It took her a little bit to get over dirty hands, but in the end she got "muckey" with the rest of us. We had a small skipper come by and sample the flowers...very exciting!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Myakka State Forest

Bunny searches for the Peppermint Beetle

Loaded for Bear!


You Go Rudder!

Boil-N-Bag Omlettes

Our troop had a great time at Myakka State Forest this weekend. It was pretty cold, but we bundled up and nobody froze to death. I was loving Aunt Trudy's Blankie!! The girls completed Troop Adventures Training and most of Troop Camp. We even had a visit from the Peppermint Beetle!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Ode to Aunt Trudy

I've got to sit down and visit the "Blog" for a minute. I'm off to camp in the State Forest with my Girl Scout Troop and I was treated to a wonderful memory this morning. The weather is supposed to be in the high 30's to low 40's at night, so I'm dragging out all my blankets and warm clothes. I'm even going to wear real shoes! I just pulled a quilt off the shelf that made me remember a trip about 7 or 8 years ago that we took over New Years. We went to Caloosahatchee Regional Park. It was the coldest camping experience I'd ever had...low 20's overnight! Bill's Aunt Trudy brought her grand kids out to visit for the day and they begged to stay the night. Aunt Trudy proceeded to go home, pack up the tent and blankets and bring the kids on out. We covered the ceiling vents with blankets, drank lots of coffee and hot chocolate and had a ball! On that day Trudy gained my undying respect and admiration. Last year Trudy gave me a quilt that she used on that trip. It's going to camp with me this weekend. It sure made me smile!